Easy choir sheet music

Gloria Camellia (SAT/Light Sacred Choral Style)

Gloria Camellia – SAT In the style of Sacred Choral Music

Here is a nice opportunity for a small choir to experience a brief moment of a more formal choral sound, which will be an interesting change for many choristers. It starts in a very jolly music-hall style, light-hearted and rhythmic, and when the pretend Latin segment begins (full of hidden tea-flavoured jokes) the choir will really enjoy the contrast of styles. Use your best, most resonant voices for the chorus, and sing as smoothly as you can, holding the notes for their full length. Listen closely to the recording for the pronunciation of the Latin if you are not sure about it. *Feel free to change “Dilmahnum” and “Neradum” to Latinised versions of your own favourite brands of tea!  The wonderful Barnabas Singers generously contributed to Singceliamayers.net by making this recording for me – Thanks so much, everybody!
(Level – Medium Difficulty)

*Download this music for a flat fee of only $25.00, and you can make as many copies as you need for your choir!



(C. Mayers)

Sing to the glory of TEA,
Praise for that delicate brew,
Nothing else on the planet
Is as good for me and you!

Bring out the pot, the kettle and leaves
When treasured friends,
Come to call;
How can a cup of brown water,
Work such magic on us all?

Gloria Camellia Sinensis in aeternum.
Glorium Dilmahnum, exultans Nerahdum,
O magnum restoratum, rejuvenum expecto!
Unum sucrus, non lactus; Gratiae.

O nobilis potabilis, extolus nunc potstrengtus,
Unum sucrus, non lactus; Gratiae.
Unum sucrus, non lactus; Gratiae.

Ahhhhhhh – (*a big satisfied sigh!)

*For more original song scores and choral arrangements for small choirs, visit singceliamayers.net

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